Acupuncture is the art of inserting tiny, thin needles into a person’s tissues at specific points to aid in reducing pain and help with a variety of ailments, such as headaches, migraines, musculoskeletal pain, sinus congestion, arthritis, stress reduction and overall well being.
From a Traditional Chinese medicine standpoint acupuncture will help with balancing energy known as Qi (chee) through meridian pathways (similar to blood flowing through our veins). Needling these points will rebalance the body's energy.
From a western medicine standpoint acupuncture will help with stimulating the muscles, soft tissues, and nerve pathways, promoting a natural healing and recovery response.
Neurofunctional Acupuncture therapy is peripheral nerve stimulation technique, where acupuncture needles are inserted into neurofunctional sites. Manually stimulated for the therapeutic purpose of restoring abnormal activity of the nervous system. This is often used when dealing with pain to a certain area and functional problems.
At Elevate there is no added cost to add acupuncture to your treatments.